-TRAINING SEMINAR (Denmark, 25th September- 2nd October 2016)

Two teachers from IES Poeta García Gutiérrez High School (Lucía de Sarriá and Javier Palma) participated in a short term staff-training seminar in Denmark.It took place in Denmark from 25th September to 2nd October 2016. The topic we worked on was “Innovative teaching including ICT”.
All the participants were introduced to different types of ICT programmes. We were taught tools such as making a blog, a prezie and all sorts of quiz programmes.
We had the chance to participate in some lessons where ICT is a part of the teaching tools. We were also asked to make short manual/guides for our colleagues in Spain.
As a whole, we were definitely convinced of the benefits of using ICT tools in our lessons.
However, there is a big difference between Denmark and Spain. In Denmark, the use of computer was generalized since 2009. All the students bring their own labtop, and can access the school network via their computer. Mos of the work is digitally made via the computer, even assignments.
In Spain, even though the school uses a a school network (Moodle), only a few teachers use ICT tools. Moreover, students only bring their computers if they are required so.
We shared our teaching experiences with the other partner teachers and we enjoyed learning new techniques which surely will motivate our students. We really look forward to practise everything we learnt in the seminar.